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Showing posts from July, 2015

Adventures in Mommyhood: Our (very detailed) Birth Story

What a whirlwind it has been!  Baby girl is 2 months old now, and I am just now feeling like I have a few extra minutes in a day to get on the computer.  Being momma has changed my life completely... and becoming momma was such an awesome experience! My last bump pic - 5/12/2015 Towards the end of my pregnancy, Jake and I were anxiously waiting for the moment I would start having contractions.  We were planning a home birth.  We hired two doulas, we had taken a hypnobirthing class, I was seeing my midwife once a week, I was getting weekly chiropractic adjustments to make sure baby was in a good position - we were READY!  After a few days of very very mild contractions, I finally woke up on May 13th at about 2:30 in the morning with serious contractions.  They weren't very painful, but I could tell this was the real deal.  They were strong enough to wake me up, so I got up and waited through a few more contractions before I woke Jake up. ...