“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” I recently read one of those “40 things you should know to improve your life” or some other ridiculousness and this quote was on the list. I usually dismiss most of what those things say, but that one really struck me. I am a competitive person and I come from an intellectual family, so you can imagine that being the “smartest person in the room” has always been an aspiration for me. I don’t think I ever have actually been the smartest person, per se, aside from times I have been the only adult in a room of toddlers. As I tend to always relate things to faith, Christianity, church, etc. I immediately thought of the goal that many of us (especially the competitive types) have to be the most biblically knowledgeable person in the room, or in our circle, or on the internet, etc. Maybe biblically knowledgeable isn’t always the goal. Maybe we want people to see us as the most godly, ...
A Texan momma to two little girls, one more kiddo on the way, and many fosters to come!