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Showing posts from October, 2011

What flags am I supposed to be looking for again?

Well, I edited my last post after finding out that I give people too much benefit of doubt.  My brother called the other day to find out what happened and I was explaining how I didn't see any red flags this time, so that's why the whole thing scares me.  Then, I started to tell him about a few little things that made me uneasy, but I didn't really see them as flags.  I'm starting to realize, though, maybe that feeling in my gut is the red flag.  The moment I start to feel insecure - is that the point I need to say I'm done? About a month into dating this guy, someone used the word "boyfriend/girlfriend" about us and we hadn't used those terms  yet.  I kind of laughed and said, "So... are you my boyfriend now?"  What I envisioned to be a cutesy moment where we start using the title turned into a conversation that left me feeling uneasy about our relationship.  He spouted off things about how we needed to take it slow and I was so determined ...

A little update... a little ramble... a little about me.

So, in my previous post I talked about the guy who made my heart flutter.  Oh yes, he made it flutter an awful lot!!  And then... all of the sudden... he just wasn't into me.  It's interesting, I have the book "He's Just Not That Into You" as I am sure I have mentioned here before, and it really should be required reading material for girls who are dating.  Not everything in the book will line up with people's values, but the general concepts in the book are spot-on.  I pulled out that book about three weeks ago because I was having a weird gut feeling about the boy and wanted to see what the wise book said about my situation.  Seriously, that should be my first clue.  If I have to consult a book "He's Just Not That Into You" to determine what the guy is thinking, I should count that as good intuition and just start the healing process, right?  Well, the book was inconclusive - kind of - it was too early in my relationship to really tell if I sho...