I have been reading Beth Moore’s book “So Long, Insecurity.” Wow! It’s funny the way that things come into our lives just when we need them, even though we aren’t sure we needed them at the time. Am I right? I have a couple hours every day when I take Marco to a daily appointment and just find things to do for two hours. There’s a Weir’s Furniture nearby and they have a “Christian Book Nook” and the cutest little country store you’ve ever seen. I was browsing the books the other day, wanting something beneficial to read, and saw this book by Beth Moore. She had several books on the shelf but this one jumped out at me. And the funny thing is, I never really considered myself insecure, but something told me I needed this book. So, I bought it. The first half of the book is recognizing what insecurity is. She quotes different specialists’ definitions of insecurity. In a nutshell, insecurity is self-doubt, self-co...
A Texan momma to two little girls, one more kiddo on the way, and many fosters to come!