Here we are. It's that first part of the roller coaster where you slowly climb up the huge hill. You can see the crest at the top and it's exciting, but you're a little nervous, too. This is our first time riding this rollercoaster and we expect lots of high highs and low lows, but we really don't know what to expect, ya know? But here we are in the front seat. We're almost to the very top and a whole new adventure awaits. Jake caught up to my foster parent training, so we both only have one in-person class, two webinars, and one doctor visit to go before our home study. All of this should be wrapped up in the next two weeks! There are really a lot of misconceptions about foster care, so I hope that taking y'all through the process with us will help to clear some things up. One thing I wanted to address today is how foster care has been brought up a lot recently in the abortion debate. It shows a HUGE misunderstanding about who is in foster ...
While Nev and I were out and about today, I decided to make a quick stop to Walmart on the way home. I decided to wear her throughout the store since she just can't quite sit up in the cart yet. A few people complimented her or my wrap as we walked through the store. One woman stopped me to ask me how I made something to wrap her like that. I explained that I bought the wrap, but gave a quick one-liner about baby wearing. English was not her first language, and I don't understand thick accents very well, so it was taking all of my concentration to have a conversation with her. She asked me several questions about wrapping. About a minute in, though, she abruptly changed the subject to why she *really* stopped to talk to me. A church group in which she is involved has started a Bible study and she was out to recruit members. She asked where I go to church and I told her. I was in a part of town very far from my house and much farthe...